Sito Ufficiale dell'Associazione "Tegnue di Chioggia" - ONLUS

Buoy - Monselice



Geographical reference: OT05

Lat. 45° 11.804’ N
Long. 12° 23.933’ E




Nord 5008097

Length of route: approx. 120 mt.

Identification mark: S

This diving site is inside the largest area of the No-Take Zone and is one of the outcrops nearest to the coast.
The outcrop is composed of scattered rocks, gathered in two main groups, surrounded by sandy-muddy sediments. The surrounding sea bottom is around 20 metres deep and the rocks rise no higher than around one metre. The mooring buoy is located midway so that both groups of rocks, to the east and to the west, may be reached.
The water here is often turbid owing to the proximity of the coast and river mouths, but also due to the low rocks. This makes dives sometimes rather more difficult but in any case very interesting. Photography lovers are recommended to use macro optics. Many species may be observed in this relatively small space: encrusting sponges (massive and erect species), cerianthus and many ascidians. Brown comber (Serranus hepatus) and conger eels (Conger conger) may be sighted and, quite often, the tentacled blenny (Parablennius tentacularis).

Bathymetric survey: Piero Mescalchin



Associazione Tegnùe di Chioggia, onlus - Hotel Le Tegnue, Lungomare Adriatico, 48 - 30015 - Chioggia (Ve), Italy